Ruth Bader Ginsburg is coming to The Estero Recreation Center Estero, FL
RGB Join me at 2pm to hear about the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in this one-woman show. It is a multi-media, fully immersive production. DOn't miss this production by […]
Performances for Schools, Libraries, Historical Societies, Senior Centers, All Women Organizations
When requesting a date for your performance, please note that this is a partial listing. I only post public events, private events are not listed. Thank you!
RGB Join me at 2pm to hear about the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in this one-woman show. It is a multi-media, fully immersive production. DOn't miss this production by […]
RGB Sponsored by The Dover Council on Aging! Wednesday, April 30 at 11:00am The performance will be held at The Dover Town Library, 56 Dedham St, Dover, MA 02030 This […]
Come see Sheryl Faye in this inspiring story about Ruth Bader Ginsburg, "I Dissent". Keep Homestead Museum 35 Ely Road Monson Program is free.