Eleanor Roosevelt – The First Lady of The World

After suffering through an unhappy childhood, and losing her parents and one of her brothers., he figured out where she fit in and could make a difference. She grew up and became an American politician. The longest-serving First Lady of the United States. She was the first presidential spouse to hold press conferences, write a syndicated newspaper column, and speak at a national convention. She advocated for expanded roles for women in the workplace, the civil rights of African Americans and Asian Americans, and the rights of World War II refugees. She became one of the first delegates to The United Nations. One of the top ten most admired people of the 20th century. “…as individuals we live cooperatively, and, to the best of our ability, serve the community in which we live…our own success, to be real, must contribute.” – Eleanor Roosevelt, This show has different versions for Adults and Children

The show is 45 minutes plus questions.
Watch a preview of this recorded performance.
Fredericksburg, VA” She was by far one of the best acts I’ve ever seen here… And probably anywhere on land and cruise ships… she was over the top… Amazing… State of the Art performance with sound effects special effects a projector and a screen her own microphone many different costumes it was absolutely standing ovation amazing ! “
Garden Club, MA“Sheryl Faye brought the real Eleanor Roosevelt to life! The actual presentation involved an elaborate set-up geared to walk viewers through the Eleanor’s important life moments that helped make her the woman she was. Sheryl has a commanding presence. Her ability to make us feel what Eleanor felt at those key moments, actually brought tears to many in the audience. Many people have written about Eleanor, however Sheryl managed to not only give us information, but to inspire us to be better, do better, and not let our fears stop us from becoming all we can be. Thank you Sheryl for all your hard work. I wish everyone could see this presentation. We might have a kinder, gentler America.”
Hingham Historical Society, MA – “Sheryl Faye came to the Hingham Heritage Museum last weekend to present ‘Tea With Eleanor’. Her portrayal of Eleanor Roosevelt was superb. The combination of her acting talents and creative use of audio and visual backgrounds was mesmerizing. It was enjoyed to the fullest extent by an audience of approximately 65 people. We plan to have Sheryl return to Hingham in the future to present another famous woman.”
Susan B Anthony Birthplace Museum, Adams MA – “Sheryl Faye Presents Historical Women” provided a superb experience for the patrons of the Susan B Anthony Birthplace Museum. Sheryl portrayed Eleanor Roosevelt in such a manner that truly brought her and her passions alive to the audience. She was engaging and spectacular. Her professionalism and research was evident through the interpretation. What I loved most about her performance was that she humanized Mrs. Roosevelt, by bringing the viewer through the stages of her life, and was still able to capture the strength and courage of Eleanor, which made her the “First Lady of the World”. The Susan B Anthony booked two other performances for the next two years immediately following the event because of the great reviews by the audience.” ~ Colleen Janz, Executive Director
Parkway Elementary School, New York – “Thank you for your wonderful portrayal of Eleanor Roosevelt today at the Parkway Elementary school. My third grade class was captivated by your performance and it was a perfect addition to our study of women’s history. After coming back to our classroom, my students were able to recall many of the details of Eleanor’s life and understand the impact of her important contributions to our country. History is often loss these days of excessive and often mindless texting, but your live performance provided students with knowledge they will be able to “connect” to, for many years to come. My students had much to say about what they learned today. Thank you so much for a great learning experience!” ~ Larry, teacher
- Biographies
- Women’s History
- First Ladies
- U.S.Government
Sheryl starts as an adult and goes back to her childhood and back to an adult again. This show is appropriate for children and adults.
Historical women performances by Sheryl Faye:
Historical Women Performances

These performances are ideal for:
- School Assemblies
- Enrichment Programs
- After-school Programs
- Libraries
- Camps
- Theater Groups
- Historical Societies
- Scout Troops
- Senior Homes
- Birthday Parties
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For all historical performances bookings, please contact me directly.
Bring Helen Keller, Clara Barton, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Eleanor Roosevelt, Amelia Earhart, Abigail Adams, Sally Ride, or Anne Frank to your school or organization!